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Join us for the 2024 season of Rimfire Challenge in Central Missouri. Get ready to claim your spot at next year's steel plate competition for new & pro shooters!

Central Missouri Rimfire combines .22LR caliber rifle and pistol disciplines into a fast-paced program designed to introduce new shooters to competitive shooting sports and challenge the pros. With certified Range Safety Officers onsite, events hosted by CMR are safe, fun experiences for the entire family!


Steel Challenge Matches

 Saturday | April 6 | 

  Saturday | May 4 |

Saturday | June 1 | 

Saturday | July 6 | 

Saturday | August 3 | 

Rimfire Challenge

State Championship

Saturday | September 7 | 


Precision Rifle Matches

Saturday | April 20 | Register

Saturday | May 18 | Register

Saturday | June 15 | Register

Saturday | July 20 | Register

Saturday | Aug 17 | Register

Saturday | Oct 19 | Register

Steel Challenge

Matches are timed, one or two-gun events for pistol & rifle. Score is best time with penalties for missed targets. Shooters may enter more than one division. Matches are not squadded. Participants receive a shooter's number at registration and can move through the match at will, shooting pistol first, then rifle.

  • Multiple magazines are recommended

  • At least 350 rounds of .22LR only

  • Targets will be steel plates of various sizes

  • Pistol Distance: 25’ & 65’

  • Rifle Distance: 30’ & 105’

  • Eye & ear protection is required


  • Open: Any Sight Type

  • Limited: Iron or Fiber Optic (No magnification or red dot)

  • If shooting two divisions, Open firearm is shot first.

  • Adult – (18 & up)

  • Junior – (13-17)

  • Youth – (12 & under)

  • Under 18 shooters must demonstrate safe firearm handling & be accompanied by an adult.

  • Registration Opens at 8AM.

  • Match Begins at 9AM.

  • $15 per Division for 2-gun or $10 for single gun

  • $50 for State Match

Precision Rifle

Match consists of up to 4 stages shot off of a bench or obstacle.  Stages are 10 shots each​.​​

Distances vary from 30yd up to 100yd and targets are a mix of steel and paper

Any .22LR rifle is welcome.

Under 18 shooters must demonstrate safe firearm handling & be accompanied by an adult.

Registration Opens at 8AM.

Match Begins at 9AM.

Entry fee is $20

CMR is sponsored in part by the following:
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All matches held monthly at Prairie Grove Shotgun Sports 1420 CR 276, Columbia, MO
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